Why Does My Sewing Machine Sound Clunky?

Why Does My Sewing Machine Sound Clunky?

When your sewing machine makes a loud clunking sound halfway through a job, there’s nothing worse than turning it on and discovering what’s wrong. Even though this noise can discourage you from sewing, it’s probably quite simple to correct! What causes your sewing machine to sound clunky, then? An improperly inserted thread may be the … Read more

Can You Sew Without a Bobbin?

Can You Sew Without a Bobbin?

Regardless of how long you’ve been sewing, you probably already know that everything from tiny bits to finished projects depends on sewing. For instance, the thread can easily become twisted, therefore you need to be extremely careful not to puncture yourself with the needle. Sewing machines have so many small elements that it might be … Read more

Why Does My Sewing Needle Keep Breaking?

Why Does My Sewing Needle Keep Breaking?

When your needle breaks in the middle of a sewing job, it can be very frustrating. This may cause you to reschedule your completion date and increase your expenses for replacing the needle. You will still need to figure out why the needle broke and how to keep it from happening in the future. There … Read more